
‘Southern Charm’ Star Shep Rose Speaks On Kathryn Dennis Hook Ups


Southern Charm star Shep Rose has not spoken much about his hookups with co-star Kathryn Dennis’ — but during a recent interview, he spilled a little tea.

“Without revealing too much, I had a wonderful time with Kathryn during our brief affair,” he wrote according to Us Weekly. 

“I remember reading my favorite passages of books to her out loud on my couch, and I remember her writing me a four-page note and leaving it on my coffee table one morning. The note was so nice and raw and real that it still makes me feel warm and fuzzy to this day. I also remember tearing each other’s clothes off … Oh wait, I said I won’t reveal too much. She was lovely and I do believe I had a calming influence on her and maybe still do.”


Their affair was featured in Kathryn’s book. Shep says his girlfriend was not happy.

“I thought I was respectful, but she didn’t like it,” added. “She’s being coy about her desire to read the book, but I get on her case about it all the time. I’m like, ‘Taylor all these things happened a long time ago,’ and she’s like, ‘I know, I know it’s just hard to read.’ I was like, ‘I understand that, I understand that’… So I hope that she reads it and gets whatever frustrations or what have you out of her system and sail on.”

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