
YouTuber ‘Omi In A Hellcat’ Charged In $30M TV Piracy Scam!!


New Jersey YouTuber Omi in a Hellcat has been arrested by the FBI.

He is charged in one of the largest illegal TV pirating rings ever.

Omi in a Hellcat is best known for his high-end luxury vehicles collection. The feds are charging him with conspiracy to commit copyright infringement, tax evasion and fraud for his illegal websites.

Jesse Gonzales and Michael Barone have also been charged.

Feds say the trio ran an illegal streaming service from 2016 to 2019 — Reboot, Gears TV, Reloaded and Gears Reloaded — giving subscribers all-inclusive access to content from the likes of Comcast, Verizon FiOS, and DirectTV, HBO and others for as low as $15 a month.

They allegedly made over $30 million in subscription fees and tried to hide their cash in various apps and bank accounts.

“They came back for things they alleged I did. The copyright infringement. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong, obviously,” Omi told FOX 29 a day after his arrest. “We’re going to have our day in court now.”

“I found a loophole, I ran through it and I did great. There are other colleagues in the same business I was in and they never got in trouble with the FBI,” he told FOX 29.

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