Two White men were badly beaten in Los Angeles, and are lucky to be alive – after the men attempted to perform a “citizens arrest” against a man who got into an accident with their car, MTO News has learned.

The video begins, showing the aftermath of what appears to be some kind of a motor vehicle collision. The two men inside the car get out to confront a group of men on motor bikes.
According to social media reports, the men – who are not police officers – allegedly attempted to conduct a “citizens arrest” against one of the men in the group, and all hell broke out.
Under California law, a private person is authorized to make a citizen’s arrest when the perpetrator commits a misdemeanor in a citizen’s presence, or commits a felony and a citizen has reasonable cause to believe the perpetrator committed it.
But California law also gives everyone – including an alleged perpetrator – the right of self defense.
So when you put those two laws up against each other, all HELL BROKE LOOSE.
The incident happened at a busy Hollywood intersection, and tons of people had cameras and captured everything:
And there is the video from another angle – which shows the SECOND man getting beaten and knocked unconscious