
Trump’s Campaign Files Petition For Another Recount In Georgia


President Donald Trump is continuing to be in denial about the November election and is committed to wasting taxpayers’ money — he has requested a second recount in Georgia.

Georgia’s results showed that Biden beat Trump by 12,670 votes out of about 5 million cast, or 0.25%. State law allows a candidate to request a recount if the margin is less than 0.5%. 

“Today, the Trump campaign filed a petition for recount in Georgia. We are focused on ensuring that every aspect of Georgia State Law and the U.S. Constitution are followed so that every legal vote is counted. President Trump and his campaign continue to insist on an honest recount in Georgia, which has to include signature matching and other vital safeguards,” Trump’s legal team said in a statement via AP.


In Georgia, candidates are not required to pay for recounts so it will be paid for by taxpayers.

Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has agreed to the recount, adding that “Georgia’s voting system has never been more secure or trustworthy.”

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