
Trump Supporter Kevin Greeson’s Wife Denies He Tased Himself & Died At Capitol Hill!!


The wife of Kevin Gleeson, one of the men who stormed the Capitol last week, is denying reports that he died because he tased himself and had a heart attack.

“Snopes spoke with Kristi Greeson, the wife of the late Kevin Greeson, who told us that there was no truth to the allegation that her husband’s heart attack was the result of his accidentally tasing himself,” Snopes reports.

“Greeson said that her husband attended the Capitol riot but never entered the building. Kevin had told his wife that he was in a safe area, but then he described seeing people pushing a barrier at a nearby location.”

Two days ago, the FBI revealed that they had charged a total of thirteen people in connection with the Capitol Hill riots.


“The lawless destruction of the U.S. Capitol building was an attack against one of our Nation’s greatest institutions,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin. “My Office, along with our law enforcement partners at all levels, have been expeditiously working and leveraging every resource to identify, arrest, and begin prosecuting these individuals who took part in the brazen criminal acts at the U.S. Capitol. We are resolute in our commitment to holding accountable anyone responsible for these disgraceful criminal acts, and to anyone who might be considering engaging in or inciting violence in the coming weeks – know this: you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

More charges are expected.

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