
Trump Defends ICE Putting Children In Cages: They Are So Well Taken Care Of


President Donald Trump defended his administration during Thursday night’s presidential debate, placing undocumented children in cages at the border.

Five hundred forty-five children who were separated from their parent at the border under Trump’s zero-tolerance policy have not been able to be reunited with their families. Lawyers are now trying to track down the parents. Lawyers say that two-thirds of the parents were deported while their children were left behind in custody or with other relatives.  

Trump accused former Vice President Joe Biden and the Obama administration for building the “cages” at the border, adding that the children “are so well taken care of; they’re in facilities that are so clean.” 

“They separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin with…. And guess what? It’s not coyotes who brought them over; their parents were with them. They got separated from their parents. And it makes us a laughing stock and violates every notion of who we are as a nation…,” said Biden.

“Parents, kids were ripped from their arms and separated,” he continued. “And now they can’t find over 500 sets of those parents. And those kids are alone. Nowhere to go. It’s criminal.” 

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