Steve Harvey son, and Lori Harvey’s step-brother, Wynton Harvey went on Instagram yesterday to defend Lori from a pack of online trolls who referred to the 23 year old beauty as a “thot.”

MTO News learned that Wynton has had enough of the slander against his sister and confronted the haters head on. Wynton wrote, “My sister is harder than [your] momma.”
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He continued, “y’all [would] give a leg for her spot.”
In Wynton’s post he also roasted the haters, their mama, sister and auntie too.
Here are some pics of Wynton:
Steve married Lori’s mother Marjorie in June 2007. Steve claims that Marjorie is responsible for making him a better man and changing his life. Marjorie Harvey is mother to three children (Morgan, Jason, and Lori), all of whom Steve adopted.
Steve and Marjorie have five grandchildren: three through Jason’s marriage to his wife Amanda, one through Morgan’s marriage to her husband Kareem, and one through Karli’s marriage to husband Ben.
Steve and Marjorie are Christians and both attribute their success to the faith in God.