
Screech From ‘Saved By The Bell’ Dies From Cancer


Dustin Diamond, the actor, best known for playing Screech in television series Saved By The Bell, has died from cancer.

He was 44 years old, and his cancer was diagnosed just three weeks ago.

“In that time, it managed to spread rapidly throughout his system; the only mercy it exhibited was its sharp and swift execution,” the actor’s agent, Roger Paul, said in a statement. “Dustin did not suffer. He did not have to lie submerged in pain. For that, we are grateful.”


Diamond was arrested back in 2014 and served three months in prison in 2015 for stabbing a man during a bar fight. The following year he made headlines after being arrested for violating the terms of his probation.

“We are aware that Dustin is not considered reputable by most. He’s had a history of mishaps, of unfortunate events. We want the public to understand that he was not intentionally malevolent,” Paul said per Variety. “He — much like the rest of those who act out and behave poorly — had undergone a great deal of turmoil and heartache. His actions, though rebukeable, stemmed from loss and the lack of knowledge on how to process that pain properly. In actuality, Dustin was a humorous and high-spirited individual whose greatest passion was to make others laugh. He was able to sense and feel other peoples’ emotions to such a length that he was able to feel them too — a strength and a flaw, all in one.”

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