R&B star Kevin McCall publicly admitted to hitting a woman on a podcast, then he threatened everyone in the studio who didn’t like his comments that they too might “catch a fade,” MTO News has learned.

The incident occurred on the Kraig Smith podcast, where Kevin was a guest.
During the course of the interview, Kevin discussed beating on one of his ex-girlfriends. According to Kevin he hit her because “she hit me first.”
One of the podcasters immediately interrupted him, and told him that he shouldn’t put hands on a woman – in any scenario.
Well, Kevin did not like that!
MTO News learned that Kevin flew into a rage. He told the podcaster, “if you feel like I shouldn’t be hitting women, then catch a fade outside.”
Kevin continued, calling the podcaster a “b*tch” multiple times. Kevin also told the broadcaster, “I don’t have an anger problem with b*tches, I have an anger problem with b*tch n*g*as like you.”
Luckily, Kevin’s homies were able to calm him down, before things turned violent.