
Real Housewife Porsha Linked Up w/ Falynn’s Husband – The 1st Day She Met Him!!!


Porsha Williams and Falynn’s estranged husband Simon started dating in March, and were engaged in May – according to both Porsha and Simon.

But MTO News has been hearing rumors, linking Porsha and Simon together many months earlier. Now a new report, from a popular Youtube blogger, is claiming to have info on Porsha and Simon that may have linked up on the first day they met!

The blogger looked at multiple Instagram posts, and determined that on the first day  Simon and Porsha met – and while filming the Real Housewives of Atlanta – the two allegedly had a rendezvous later at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Atlanta. It’s not clear whether there was any romantic interaction between the two, however.

Porsha first met Simon back in September of 2020, when they filmed this scene. Pay close attention to Porsha’s Gucci bathing suit and her head scarf:

Porsha also posted a picture of herself on Instagram, wearing what looks like the exact same outfit – earrings, headscarf, and bikini. The images were posted at the Ritz Carlton, in September 2020.


And the blogger found that also in late September – she surmises on the same date – Simon was also in the St Regis. Could it be coincidence . . . or creeping:

Here’s the blogger’s full explanation of her theories:

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