
Prosecutors Want Bill Cosby Back In Prison


Prosecutors are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to restore Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction.

They say that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision’s in June to reverse Cosby’s conviction has started “a dangerous precedent.” 

Montgomery County District Attorney Kevin Steele called the court’s decision “an indefensible rule,” according to AP News.

“This decision as it stands will have far-reaching negative consequences beyond Montgomery County and Pennsylvania. The U.S. Supreme Court can right what we believe is a grievous wrong,” he wrote asking for a review of the decision.


Cosby’s spokesman, Andrew Wyatt, released a statement about the request. 

“There is no merit to the DA’s request which centers on the unique facts of the Cosby case and has no impact on important federal questions of law,” Wyatt said according to Variety. “This is a pathetic last-ditch effort that will not prevail. The Montgomery County’s DA’s fixation with Mr. Cosby is troubling to say the least.”

Cosby has always claimed to be innocent.

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