
Prince Andrew To Face Sexual Assault Case As A Civilian After He’s Stripped Of Military & Royal Titles


Prince Andrew has been stripped of his military titles and royal titles in a statement issued by Buckingham Palace.

The announcement was a day after a judge ruled a sexual abuse civil lawsuit against the royal could move forward.

“With The Queen’s approval and agreement, the Duke of York’s military affiliations and Royal patronages have been returned to The Queen. The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties and is defending this case as a private citizen,” the palace said in an official statement.

Andrew will also no longer use the style “His Royal Highness” in any official capacity.

The royal source also told CNN that “all of the Duke’s roles have been handed back to the Queen with immediate effect for redistribution to other members of the Royal Family. For clarity, they will not return to The Duke of York.”

Prince Andrew’s attorneys claim that the woman who accused the royal of trafficking her when she was under 18 was a sex trafficker herself who found underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The prince’s attorneys filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit from Virginia Giuffre, saying that she was “involved the willful recruitment and trafficking of young girls for sexual abuse,” for Epstein.

A judge refused to dismiss the filing.


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