Pop singer Lizzo has a new boyfriend – and MTO News has learned that he is hot, at least from afar. Lizzo who had a birthday recently, went on a romantic getaway with her new “hot” bae.

The two stayed together on a secluded private island where they could share intimate moments together, MTO News confirmed.
Here is a blown up image of the two of them in the water. The man appears to have a chiseled body, is Black and has dreads.

And here’s the video that Lizzo posted – we blew up the part which showed her and her new bae.
Here’s the caption that Lizzo made for the video:
[social_warfare]This has been the best birthday of all time. I love giving, and it’s so hard for me to receive. This year I finally accepted the love people have been waiting to give back to me. I know it’s not easy, but I *implore* you to allow yourself to be loved. The whole world is waiting to give you everything you deserve—you just have to open your arms. Thank you to my friends and family and loved ones, you are all my soulmates I’m so glad to have you. The best days of your life you don’t get twice— so let’s make more! ❤️