
Pennsylvania Gov Slams Trump’s Lawsuit To Stop Counting Ballots: It’s Simply Wrong!!


Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf has reacted to the Trump campaign’s lawsuit to stop counting the ballots, calling the suit “simply wrong.”

“It goes against the most basic principles of our democracy. It takes away the right of every American citizen to cast their vote, and to choose our leaders,” Wolf said during a press conference. “Our election officials at the state and local level should be free to do their jobs without fear, without intimidation, without attacks. These attempts to subvert the democratic process are simply disgraceful.”

Trump is desperate to hold onto power, and it seems as though rival Joe Biden is dangerously close to securing the 270 electoral votes needed to win the election.


Trump has even threatened to take his case to the Supreme Court if he does not win.

“We will continue to administer free and fair elections in Pennsylvania. Let me be clear, in Pennsylvania every vote is going to count. I’m going to fight like hell to protect the vote of every Pennsylvania. … Because in Pennsylvania, every voice matters, every vote matters,” Wolf said.

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