If you are Black and are thinking about volunteering to help the people from Ukraine – be careful. MTO News learned that the Peace Corps website explained that Black people are likely to face pretty blatant, and possible dangerous forms of racism from Ukrainian refugees.

As of this morning, the Peace Crop website states the following:
Volunteer Voices: “’People of color’ face many challenges living in Ukraine, as a Peace Corps Volunteer. However, African-Americans will confront far more complicated issues. For modern parts of Ukraine, African-Americans are part of the community and day-to-day life. However, there are many Ukrainians who have never seen a Black person before. Their understanding of African-American culture is fueled by the media and African stereotypes. You will generate lots of interest and curious stares.
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The website continues:
“It is not uncommon for Ukrainians to refer to African-Americans as “[N-Word]”. Volunteers of color may be called ‘a monkey’ or may see children’s games with Blackface. Being aware of the history of dehumanization for people of African descent may help inform where this comes from; it does not justify it.
Wow . . .