
Only 5k People Turned Up To Trump’s ‘Million MAGA March’!!


President Trump aimed to show just how much support he has behind him after he lost the presidential election — but only 5,000 supporters showed up to his Million MAGA March this weekend.

Joe Biden won the 3 November election but Trump is refusing to concede. On Friday, he was projected as the winner in the state of Georgia — making him the first Democratic candidate to take the state since 1992.

Biden now has 306 votes in the electoral college — far exceeding the 270 threshold to win.

Friday, election officials announced that the vote was the “most secure in American history”, disputing claims of widespread voter fraud from Trump’s camp.

Trump drove through the small crowd and waved to his supporters on the way to play golf. It is reported that he was so disappointed by the crowd size that he was too embarrassed to deliver a speech. The crowds eventually broke out into violence, but it was soon ended by the authorities.

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