Former President Barak Obama is not a fan of ‘cancel culture’ and thinks it could be harmful to America.

In a recent, interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, the former POTUS warned the nation about the dangers of ‘cancel culture’ and the expectation of perfection from people and destroying them when they fall short.
He said “At least in conversation with my daughter, I think a lot of the dangers of cancel culture and we’re just going to be condemning people all the time, at least among my daughters they will acknowledge sometimes among their peer group or in college campuses you’ll see folks going overboard.”
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He says his daughters are different though. They get it. He said, “They have a pretty good sense of look we don’t want, we don’t expect everybody to be perfect.”
But the former President doesn’t think “cancel culture’ is all bad and has a place in society – and could be used to correct cruel or discriminatory behavior from others.
He thinks that young people, in particular his daughters’ generation, won’t accept racial discrimination or discrimination against others because of sexual orientation and are leading the charge on this.