
NBA Will Not Pay Unvaccinated Players Who Miss Games


The NBA says it will withhold pay for unvaccinated players who miss games this season.

“Any player who elects not to comply with local vaccination mandates will not be paid for games that he misses,” NBA spokesman Mike Bass said in a statement.

According to the Associated Press, unvaccinated players will not be allowed to eat with vaccinated teammates, and their lockers will be located far away from others. Unvaccinated players will also be required to wear a mask and maintain by social distancing guidelines during team meetings.


Unvaccinated players will also be tested regularly during practices or team events and vaccinated players will also still be required to submit weekly COVID-19 tests.

The memo also states that non-fully vaccinated players are expected to remain home with limited exceptions such as grocery shopping or the transport of children to and from school. They must also limit contact with family members who do not live in their households.

90% of players are vaccinated.

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