A 25-year-old North Carolina man named Deandre Rontrell Dean was recently arrested in Raleigh, North Carolina – and his mugshot has gone viral.
MTO News has learned that people all over social media are calling Deandre the ‘Ashiest man in history.’

Mysteriously Deandre’s photo made its way onto social media, and has quickly gone viral – as people are shocked by how dry and gray his skin appears.
Here are just some of the responses to the photo from social media commentators:
look like he been headbutting sheetrock all day
They need to hose his ass down and after dip him in a barrel of lotion.
n**ga look like he just got through a double dare 2000 challenge
If he smart he will take advantage of this like everyone else usually does and create a line of tee shirts or get a lotion/moisturizer deal
In the photo, Deandre’s face is dry and peeling – and the dry skin is so bad, that some of it flaked off his face and went on his hair.
Dry skin, sometimes known as “ashy skin,” can affect different parts of your body. For some people, dry skin is only a minor annoyance. For others, it can lead to uncomfortable itching, cracking, or burning. There are many causes of ashy skin, from the weather to underlying medical conditions.
Ashy skin is caused by a lack of moisture, which leaves your skin dehydrated. It can appear on essentially any part of your skin. It’s also common for the skin on your arms, legs, and face to become dehydrated and ashy.
Most of the causes of ashy skin are environmental. This includes:
- cold, harsh weather, when the temperature is low and the air lacks humidity
- hot water from baths and showers and prolonged water exposure
- personal products, such as soaps, lotions, and detergents, that contain harsh chemicals:
All these things can cause your skin to dry out and appear ashy. In some cases, ashy skin may also be caused by underlying medical conditions, such as
- irritant contact dermatitis, which happens when an irritating substance affects the skin and causes it to become inflamed and dry
- eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, a skin condition that causes an itchy red rash, most commonly on the arm folds and backs of the knees
- psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that leads to pink scaly plaques on the skin, commonly on the knees and elbows