
Mississippi Lawmaker Calls for State to ‘Succeed From the Union’ Over Biden Victory


A Mississippi Republican has issued an apology after he called for his state to “succeed” following Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

“We need to succeed [sic] from the union and form our own country,” State Rep. Price Wallace tweeted.

His remarks came after GOP lawmaker Rep. Robert Foster, disputed Biden’s win.

“Not sure who all needs to hear this but we are not a Democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. The majority does not rule, the law derived from a Constitution has the final say,” Foster tweeted. “… After all legal votes are counted and confirmed by their state legislatures Republicans will accept the results even if it’s not in our favor. The same way we did with Obama twice.”

After facing backlash, Wallace wrote the following apology:

“I truly love the USA and Mississippi and would never support any idea of seceding from the union. I am extremely sorry for my comment it was inappropriate and in no way represents the will of my constituents or myself. I humbly ask for forgiveness for my poor lack of judgment.”

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