
Melinda Gates Admits Her Divorce From Bill Gates ‘Wasn’t Healthy’


Melinda Gates divorced Bill Gates after 27 years of marriage. In a new interview, she says that the divorce was not healthy.

“I certainly believe in forgiveness, so I thought we had worked through some of that,” she said. “It wasn’t one moment or one specific thing that happened. There just came a point in time where there was enough there that I realized it just wasn’t healthy, and I couldn’t trust what we had.”

“That’s part of the grieving process. You’re grieving a loss of something you thought you had and thought you had for your lifetime,” she continued. “I do feel like I’m turning a page in the chapter. I mean, it’s 2022 and I’m actually really excited about what’s to come and life ahead for me.”

Last year, Bill said he regrets cheating on his wife.

“Certainly, I think everyone does [have regrets],” he told Anderson Cooper. “But it’s a time of reflection and at this point I need to go forward. My work is very important to me. Within the family we’ll heal as best we can and learn from what happened.”

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