
Madonna Compares Britney Spears’ Conservatorship To Slavery


Madonna upset a few people on social media after she compared Britney Spears’ conservatorship to slavery.

“Give this woman her life back,” Madonna posted on her Instagram story, alongside a photo of herself wearing a “Britney Spears” shirt.

“Slavery was abolished so long ago! Death to the greedy patriarchy that has been doing this to women for centuries. This is a violation of human rights! Britney we coming to get you out of jail!”

Some people think Madonna took it too far.

“Slavery is NOT what is happening to Britney,” somebody clapped back. “What’s happening to Britney is wrong and immoral but its not slavery. Looks like @Madonna needs a history lesson.”

During her testimony last month, Britney claimed that she was not even allowed to make basic decisions about her own life.


“want to be able to get married and have a baby. I have an [IUD] inside of myself so I don’t get pregnant. They don’t want me to have children–any more children,” she wrote. “This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good. I deserve to have a life! I’ve worked my whole life. I deserve to have a two to three-year break and do what I want to do.”

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