MTO News has confirmed that WE tv’s Love After Lockup. Jessica’s husband Maurice Gipson has been arrested and is currently incarcerated in California.

According to police records, Maurice was arrested in Los Angeles on February 25. He is currently being held without bond at the LA Central Jail. He is expected to remain incarcerated at least until March 17th, which is his next court date.
So why did he get locked up? Well it’s not clear. MTO News spoke with a person in the know, who tells us that Maurice was caught in a car, which contained a gun in it.
Police are still determining whose gun it was. If the gun is determined NOT to belong to Maurice, he may get by with just a minor parole violation (instead of a felony).
Here’s what his wife Jessica had to say, when rumors of his arrest hit social media:
[social_warfare]“For all you people who can’t keep my husband’s name out of your mouth and spitting lies about him..see this here..da rejection..which means that the district attorney is not charging him with anything. Because it wasn’t his!!!!!. He is only in jail because of a parole hold, which happens when anyone on parole is in contact with the stop the lies!!!!”