
Lark Voorhies ‘BLACK BALLED’ From Saved By The Bell Reboot: Twitter Erupts!!


The new Saved By The Bell trailer has been released, and while the new reunion show looks good, one member of the original cast is missing and that’s actress Lark Voorhies, aka Lisa Turtle.

And MTO News has learned that the actress was PURPOSELY left out of the show.


Lark, who was one of the most beloved characters on the show, was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder several years ago. And it appears that the producers would rather NOT deal with Lark and her illness.

According to multiple people close to Lark, the production team NEVER asked her to be a part of the reboot. What’s more, MTO News was told, when Lark offered to make a cameo appearance – even at no fee, the actress was allegedly informed that she was “not allowed” on set.

Lark addressed her feelings about being excluded from the show a few months ago, on Doctor Oz.

There she told Dr Oz, “I have to admit I did feel a bit slighted and hurt when I was not invited to be part of the Saved by the Bell reunion, as well as other cast members’ events. Yet, of course, I also realized that having this puzzling disorder may have played a major part in that factual decision,” Voorhies said this week on The Dr. Oz Show. “With that in mind, I am truly thankful for having had the chance to work on the show that has been so successful.”

She’s trying to stay professional – but you could see how upset she was.


Black Twitter isn’t having it and up in arms over Lark being blackballed from the new series.

Here are some of their comments:

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