
Lamar Odom Says Sabrina Parr Relationship Was ‘Abusive’


Lamar Odom says that his relationship with Sabrina Parr was abusive and that he’s doing much better since he dumped her.

“A year ago yesterday I left my ex fiance’ at the W Hotel in Atlanta without notice. When she realized I was gone back to my home in San Diego she was livid. I received over 250 calls and text messages over the course of last December from her wanting to fix us. We were toxic. Independently and collectively,” he wrote.

“Leaving broke my heart but saved my soul. The relationship was abusive.

Many times I wanted to go back because-the dysfunction in me was addicted to the abuse. The addict in me hated being alone, the man in me wanted a pretty face to wake up to, it was hard. Late nights and early mornings alone wears on a brother. I sought solace in marijuana and a slew of random women, not loving any of them, not really wanting to be with any of them, but it beat being lonely,” he continued.


Lamar says he is now drug free and fixing his relationship with his family.


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