
LaKeith Stanfield Apologizes For Anti-Semitic Clubhouse Room


LaKeith Stanfield was dragged on social media after he moderated a room on Clubhouse, which was slammed for being “anti-Semitic.”

He now says he’s sorry.


The post initially started out as a conversation about Minister Louis Farrakhan but then went left.

“Yesterday I entered an online chat room on Clubhouse about the teachings of Louis Farrakhan. When the room’s participants noticed me, I was quickly made a moderator of this room. At some point during the dialogue the discussion took a very negative turn when several users made abhorrent anti-Semitic statements and at that point, I should have either shut down the discussion or removed myself from it entirely,” he wrote.

He continued: “I condemn hate speech and discriminatory views of every kind. I unconditionally apologize for what went on in that chat room, and for allowing my presence there to give a platform to hate speech. I am not an anti-Semite nor do I condone any of the beliefs discussed in that chat room.”

Is all forgiven?

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