
Kris Jenner’s Ex-Bodyguard Agrees To Privately Settle Sexual Assault Lawsuit


The ex-bodyguard who accused Kris Jenner of sexually assaulting him has agreed to settle their case in private arbitration.

Marc McWilliams worked as a bodyguard for the Kardashian’s from 2017 to 2019. He later filed a lawsuit against Kris accusing her of grabbing his butt and exposing herself to him. He says he was fired for turning her down.

According to The Daily Mail, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Armen Tamzarian gave both parties a year to find an arbitrator to hear their arguments and come up with a settlement or agreement.

McWilliams says on one occasion, Kris wanted to go out for a ride in her Bentley that day and ordered him to sit in the front passenger seat of the car.

He says she “began making comments to [McWilliams] of a flirtatious and overtly sexual nature.”


“Without warning, Jenner placed her right hand on the inside upper left thigh and groin area of McWilliams in a manner that was overtly sexually offensive. She then caused her right hand to move up the upper, inner left thigh and groin while caressing McWilliams,” his claim reads.

“McWilliams was shocked and offended by the uninvited and overtly sexual contact by Jenner and attempted to shift away from her groping,” continued the complaint. “As he moved his body away from the offensive sexual contact, Jenner’s right hand come into contact with McWilliams’ inner groin and genital area.”

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