
Karissa Shannon Claims She Aborted Hugh Hefner’s Baby


Hugh Hefner’s ex-girlfriend Karissa Shannon says that sex with him was so disgusting, she never enjoyed it.

“I felt disgusted with my body,” she said on Monday’s episode of A&E’s docuseries, “Secrets of Playboy.”

“I felt like there was something like an alien inside me. I was grossed out. I just wanted to get it over with.”

According to Shannon, she found out she was pregnant when she was 19. Hefner was 84. Shannon claims that “every time” she had sex with him, it felt like a sexual assault. “To me, it’s like rape,” she said. “He used control mechanisms completely through everything, so I’m happy that I had the abortion.”

Several of Hefner’s exes have claimed they were assaulted or subjected to humiliating acts without their full consent.

“Just imagine this, just his old hand kind of shakes [as he’s] touching your boob. It’s like you’re having sex with your grandpa. And he laid there, looking up, and he was like, ‘My babies, my babies. You love me.’”

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