
Jussie Smollett Blasts Prosecutor For Repeatedly Saying The N-Word


During his trial, Jussie Smollett called out a prosecutor for repeatedly using the n-word while reading out text messages in court.

In court, the prosecutor showed private Instagram messages between Bola Osundairo and Smollett.

The Empire actor was keeping Bola posted on his whereabouts and flight delay information on the night of the attack. Some of the messages included the N-word. Smollett interrupted the prosecutor to ask him to spell or abbreviate the word so as not to offend “every African American in this room.” 


Bola Osundairo’s said he was ordered to attack Smollett at 2 a.m.. Smollett said it was a “bold faced lie.”The actor says he went out that night to buy eggs at a Walgreens that he thought was open 24/7. He then said the Walgreens was closed so he walked to a Subway to get a sandwich when he was attacked by two men, who at the time, he thought were white.

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