Jeezy and his fiancé Jeannie Mai from The Real got engaged in April, but MTO News is hearing that Jeezy was expecting this to be a long engagement . . . really long. According to one of Jeezy’s friends, the Sno man rapper wants to push off the wedding for another 5 years!

MTO News spoke with one of Jeezy’s homies, who gave us some insight into the rapper’s wedding plans. The insider explained, “Jeezy wants to hold off on marriage. They’re engaged, so there’s no need to rush things.”
He added, “Probably [they’ll get married] in 2025 or something like that.”
When we asked whether Jeannie was OK with having such a long engagement, Jeezy’s friend told us, ‘Yeah she’s cool. She’ not tripping over a wedding.”
And Jeezy’s friend may be right. A few months ago, Jeannie told Entertainment tonight that she didn’t plan on walking down the aisle anytime soon.
Two months ago, Jeannie said that she’ “not even in that mode” when it comes to wedding planning. She said that while she’s thrilled with the engagement, Jeannie’s not ready to start planning a wedding.
“Honestly, right now that’s not at the top of our lists,” she says. “We’re so happy we’re able to celebrate an engagement right now. I feel like we got work to do, so when it comes to our individual work and our individual projects and the messaging we want to send to people, even the way that we use our Instagram, it’s really important right now to spread an energy of positivity and uniting one another than it is to be planning a wedding.”