
Iyanla Vanzant Quits ‘Fix My Life’, Says The Show Was ‘Too Toxic’


The current season of Iyanla Vanzant’s Fix My Life is airing — and the relationship expert is explaining why she’s decided to walk away from the show.

“I’m a teacher. That’s what I am. I’m an educator. I just happen to be a spiritual technician. I teach about spiritual technology and that’s what I’ve always done. That’s what I want to do. But I want to do it in a more intimate way. I want to do it where people come to me because they want to learn not because they don’t have a date on Saturday. And I want to do it where people aren’t scrutinizing my hair and my nails,” she said during a recent interview.


“One thing that eight years of “Fix My Life” has taught me is how mean and nasty and unkind people can be. I don’t want that energy in my life anymore. I don’t want people calling me names and talking about me. I’m just very sensitive to energy. I don’t deserve it and I don’t want it. So now, if you want a piece of me, you’ve got to come to me and you got to pay for it.”

Watch the clip below:

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