
Halyna Hutchins’ Husband Wants Alec Baldwin To Take Responsibility For Wife’s Death


Halyna Hutchins’ husband is angry that Alec Baldwin will not take responsibility for his wife’s death.

“The idea that the person holding the gun and causing it to discharge is not responsible is absurd to me,” Matt Hutchins said on Today.

“Watching him I just felt so angry. I was just so angry to see him talk about her death so publicly in such a detailed way and then to not accept any responsibility after having just described killing her.” 

Last week, Hutchins filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Baldwin and producers of the Rust movie, claiming they did not follow proper gun safety protocols. “But gun safety was not the only problem on that set. There were a number of industry standards that were not practiced and there’s multiple responsible parties,” he said. 

Two months ago, Baldwin denied pulling the trigger.

 “I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger at them, never. … Someone put a live bullet in a gun, a bullet that wasn’t even supposed to be on the property.” Baldwin said to ABC, “Someone is ​responsible for what happened, and I can’t say who that is, but I know it’s not me.”

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