
Georgia Confirms Joe Biden Election Victory


The Georgia recount is finally over and the state has officially confirmed President-elect Joe Biden as the winner.

According to CNN, Biden beat Trump by 12,284 votes — a slight drop in votes for Biden — but he is now absolutely the winner, which means Georgia is officially a blue state.

“Georgia’s historic first statewide audit reaffirmed that the state’s new secure paper ballot voting system accurately counted and reported results,” Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a statement. “This is a credit to the hard work of our county and local elections officials who moved quickly to undertake and complete such a momentous task in a short period of time.”


Trump has been making unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud since before the Nov. 3 election. Authorities have found no evidence of fraud, labeling this election the most secure in U.S. history.

Trump has been battling in the courts to try and get legal votes thrown out, but almost all of his lawsuits have been dismissed. Many think he’s desperate to stay in the White House to avoid a lengthy prison sentence.

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