Yesterday, Doctor Dre was rushed to the hospital with what appears top be a brain aneurism. Luckily it now looks like Dre will pull through from the medical episode.

But MTO News spoke with a member of Dre’s family and a friend, and they both are wondering – could this “aneurism” be the result of foul play? Could someone have tried to POISON DRE?
Now before you say – that’s crazy. It’s not all THAT crazy. Poisoning by use of anti-coagulants (popularly used in rat poison) is one of the most common poisons used in history.
When someone ingests rat poison (unknowingly) or even smells it – he or she can suffer symptoms that appear to be an aneurism, or a stroke. Usually it leads to death, especially if the victim ingests high doses, but that’s not always the case.
In fact, scholars say that one of the most important leaders of the 20th century, Russian leader Joseph Stalin, was poisoned using an anti-coagulant poison.
Russian leader Joseph Stalin is widely believed to have been poisoned and murdered, by his successor Vladimir Lenin. And the official death of Stalin – was a brain aneurism. Here’s a report from a top Russian scholar:
Stalin did not have a history of a bleeding diathesis or treatment with anticoagulation, therefore poisoning by systemic anticoagulation is the most likely cause for the his death.
MTO News spoke with a family member of Dre who told us that “people were jealous” of him, and she wants an investigation of everyone around him.
The family member told MTO News, “[Dre] is very healthy, he works out multiple times a week, goes to the doctor, and stays on top of everything. Something is definitely off about this [incident.]”
Another person, close to Dre, wants an investigation also. When that insider was told about the effects of rat poison on humans, he told MTO News, “someone needs to look into that.”