
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Still Considering Running For President


Hollywood actor Dwayne’ The Rock’ Johnson once said that he would consider running for president — and he says he would still consider running if it’s what the people want.

“I would consider a presidential run in the future if that’s what the people wanted,” he told USA Today. “Truly I mean that, and I’m not flippant in any way with my answer. That would be up to the people…So I would wait, and I would listen. I would have my finger on the pulse, my ear to the ground.”

The superstar told Variety the following back in 2017:

“I knew I had to listen to the people and really, really think about it,” Johnson said. “That’s where I’m at right now — I’m well aware politics is not the business I’m in, so the best thing I can do is continuing to listen and learn as much as I can.”


“I’m continuing to watch our presidency and watch how every new development is handled. I continue to watch our leaders in government, and like all Americans, I continue to be hopeful that our leaders exhibit poise, perspective, and the ability to bring our country together during these tough times — which I don’t feel our presidency is currently doing — so that’s where I’m at.”

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