
Dwayne Johnson Reverses Support For Joe Rogan


Dwayne Johnson defended Joe Rogan who faced backlash after clips of him using the n-word resurfaced.

The Rock commented on Rogan’s video: “Great stuff here brother. Perfectly articulated,” The Rock commented. “Look forward to coming on one day and breaking out the tequila with you.”

After backlash, he then doubled back and said he did not know about the comments.

Rogan posted a video apology to his Instagram over the weekend.

“It looks f*cking horrible. Even to me,” Rogan said. “I know that to most people, there is no context where a white person is ever allowed to say that word, never mind publicly on a podcast. And I agree with that now, I haven’t said it in years.”

In a video on Monday, Rogan denied spreading COVID-19 misinformation.

“I’m not trying to promote misinformation. I’m not trying to be controversial,” Rogan stated in his Monday Instagram video. “I’ve never tried to do anything with this podcast other than just talk to people and have interesting conversations.”

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