
Dr. Umar Johnson Drags President Biden For Not Doing More For Black People


Dr. Umar Johnson was a guest on The Breakfast Club and he went in on President Joe Biden for not doing more for Black people since being in office.


“President Biden, your first day of office, you signed an executive order to protect the life and safety of transgenders,” he said. “I have no problem with that, but you did it on your first day. But, he sat up here, with you Charlamagne, and told Black people that if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t Black.”

“So, if you went out of your way begging Black people to vote for you, why haven’t we got an executive order, or any other activity, coming out of the Oval Office from President Biden to protect Black people from police?” Umar asked.

The COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act was also recently passed by the Senate, despite anti-Asian violence only be prevalent for the past year. Dr. Umar questioned why this hasn’t been done for Black people who’ve faced violence in America for hundreds of years.

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