
Dr. Ian Smith: I Was Sexually Harassed By ‘The Doctors’ Executive Producer!!


Dr. Ian Smith has claimed that he was sexually harassed by the executive producer of CBS’ The Doctors.

He is also alleging “racial discrimination and retaliation.”

Dr. Smith alleges Patty Ciano sexually harassed him and that he wasn’t invited back for the seventh season after he “voiced complaints regarding discrimination which he experienced and observed.”

He also says she sexually harassed him and would comment about his physique, “suggesting that he should wear tighter shirts to show off his ‘guns’ more.”

“African-American hosts were on fewer shows than white hosts. African-American hosts were paid less than white hosts. African-American hosts were not in as many integration segments as white hosts. There were not enough African-American producers,” his suit reads.

He claims the network conducted a full investigation and found no wrongdoing after he filed an anonymous complaint.

Dr. Smith was fired in January and replaced by Dr. Drew Ordon, who is white.

CBS has not released a statement on the lawsuit.

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