
Don Lemon Defends Tucker Carlson


A man recently ran down on Tucker Carlon and called him “the worst human being known to men” in front of cameras — and Don Lemon says he did not like it.

“Let me tell you this, I don’t like it. I don’t like it when people do that because I would not want it to happen to me. But I have mixed emotions because Tucker has done this to people before,” said Lemon.

“Tucker said some really nasty and silly things about me, and the next day there were paparazzi in front of my house, hiding, taking pictures,” Lemon said. “So I don’t want it to happen to anyone, I don’t want it to happen to Tucker, but when you do things like that, I don’t know.”

Lemon says that even though Carlson says some horrible things on his show, he should be left alone when out in public.

“I think that what Tucker says much of the time is completely reprehensible and divorced from reality,” Lemon said, “but he has a right to be in a space and not be accosted and not be ambushed by anyone.”

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