
Derrick Jaxn’s Current ‘Mistress’ Comes Forward: I Was Pregnant w/ His Baby!!


A vlogger has received DMs from a woman claiming to be Derrick Jaxn’s current mistress.

She shared text messages of conversations between her and the relationship guru, which appear to show that even when he was making videos with his wife, apologizing and claiming that he ended all of his extramarital affairs last year — he is still seeing her!

As Tasha K posted the DMs, she spoke to the alleged mistress who detailed the pregnancy.

The woman, who is a doctor, said she didn’t know who he was when they met last October when he approached her in the mall. She found out she was pregnant around last December. She didn’t want to have kids but he kept trying to delay her termination. She also says that he told her he was separated from his wife but was having trouble serving her the divorce papers.


The text message between the two is damning. It does appear that he didn’t want to let “Nik” go.

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