
Derrick Jaxn Admits To Sleeping w/ Other Women – Wife Says She Knew


Self proclaimed relationship guru, Derrick Jaxn previously copped to stepping out on his wife while “separated” from her but not to having sexual intercourse with other women. In a follow-up video, the relationship guru has now admitted to sleeping with multiple women.


He said and referred to himself in the third person: “Derrick Jaxn was involved with other women outside the marriage,” he said. I’m talking about as serious as sex to sexual flirtation and meeting up and that kind of thing.”

He added that his actions are were not “in alignment with the vows that I took.”

His wife Da’Naia sat there beside him, casually dressed in her bonnet, and spoke while holding his hand: 

“There is no justification for bringing other women into our marriage on any level. And it was unacceptable, and it’s not something that I tolerate or that we tolerate moving forward,” she said.


She says even though people have urged her to walk away, her husband has changed his behavior and she is standing by his side. She also adds that they are attending marriage counseling and she knew about the cheating before the allegations hit the internet.

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