Back in September, MTO News first reported to you that Tamar Braxton’s former fiancé David Adefeso filed a restraining order against her with David accusing her of physically abusing him and damaging his Rolls Royce.

MTO News can confirm that has David let the restraining order expire, and Tamar is free to be physically close to her ex.
According to new online reports the restraining order David filed against Tamar was dismissed this week after neither of them showed up in court. David did not show up to court asking for either an extension or continuation of the Order and Tamar (perhaps knowingly) did not show up to dispute it.
David accused Tamar of assaulting him in his car and ripping out the cameras in the car to destroy the evidence.
Shortly after the split, Tamar told reporters that she still had love for David, although she did not believe that the couple would reconcile.
Who knows what the future has in store now.