
Common Confirms Split From Tiffany Haddish


Common has confirmed his split from Tiffany Haddish in a new interview.

“I don’t think the love really dispersed. I think it was just like we weren’t feeding the relationship,” he said.

“First of all, I want to say Tiffany, as you know, is for me, like, one of the best people I met in life. One of the best-hearted and most authentic and caring people that I met in life, and that’s what made me love her and be in love with her and want to be in a relationship with her and grow with her.”


Common says they weren’t spending enough time together.

“It really didn’t allow for us to spend as much time and put as much energy into our relationship. I don’t think the love really dispersed … we weren’t feeding the relationship … neither one of us is gonna stop. We both care about our crafts and what we do,” Common said. “We care about love too and partnership, but I think the energy that has been put into our careers and continuing to want to do the things that we do for ourselves and for people … it was hard for me to balance all of that and keep the relationship fed.”

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