A popular Tiktoker named Pearl Maynor is going viral, for posting videos about her new relationship with a man recently released from serving a 15 year prison sentence, MTO News has learned.

Pearl was a teacher with a masters degree, and making a six figure salary. She quit her job to become a travel blogger – and has been pretty successful thus far.
Then Pearl met the man of her dreams, whom she eventually married – Paul.
The gag is that Paul was in prison when they met. The two corresponded for months, and eventually got married behind bars. Now Paul has been recently released from serving a 15 year prison sentence, MTO News confirmed.
And Pearl is posting a series of videos on TikTok, showing how she is spoiling her newly released husband. In one video she takes him on a shopping spree, in another she takes him to the spa.
Black Twitter is reacting negatively to Pearl’s content. According to them, by choosing Paul (a convicted felon), Pearl is showing her low self esteem and that she is a victim of the belief that black women have few choices romantically.