
Chris Cuomo: Police Reform Won’t Happen Until White Kids Start Getting Killed!!


CNN news anchor Chris Cuomo has claimed that real police reform will not happen until “white kids start getting killed.”

“Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they’ll change,” he said. “[When] your kids start getting killed. White people’s kids start getting killed.”

“What’s going on with these police? Maybe we shouldn’t even have police,” he continued. “That kind of madness. That kind of mania. That will be you. That will be the majority. Because it’s your people,” said Cuomo, while looking into the camera.

Last week, 13-year-old Adam Toledo was shot and killed by a police officer in Chicago. His hands were in the air at the time of the shooting. 


The officer reported seeing a gun in Toledo’s hand and police even said the gun is evident in a freeze-frame, but in the video the teen’s hands moved up without a gun and he was shot once in the chest.

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