A Chicago Lyft driver is recovering in the hospital, after having his car shot at . . . and then getting beat up for not pulling away from the gunfire fast enough.

MTO News learned that two women ordered a Lyft to pick them up near Chicago’s notorious O Block neighborhood. The Lyft driver arrived, and the two women got inside the car.
The women asked the driver to pull off immediately, but the Lyft driver – MTO News has learned – began fiddling with his phone.
That’s when, a group of men pulled up alongside the Lyft and shot it up. The driver was initially stunned and just froze up. The passengers immediately realized what happened and started yelling at the driver to pull off.
Eventually the frightened Lyft driver drove off – and luckily no one was shot.
But the violence didn’t end there. When the Lyft driver dropped the passengers off at their destination – another Chicago hood – he was greeted by an angry group of men. MTO News learned that while in the Lyft, the passengers texted men in their neighborhood, and told them that the Lyft driver didn’t pull off fast enough – and nearly caused them to be killed.
When the women arrived at their destination, the group of angry men pulled the Lyft driver out of the car, and beat him up for putting the women in danger.