
Britney Spears Sends Cease & Desist Letter To Jamie Lynn Spears


“You of all people know the abuse and wrongdoing Britney had to endure during the conservatorship, after initially growing up with a ‘ruinous,’ alcoholic father. In fact, your own book reportedly states that your father ‘spent most of my life in that cycle of ruinous behavior. His bouts of drinking caused me periods of torment and sorrow,’” the letter continues.

“As I have previously stated, having endured a 13-year conservatorship that stripped her of civil rights and fundamental liberties, Britney will no longer be bullied by her father or anyone else.”

The letter is keen to point out the entertainer’s role as “breadwinner” in the Spears family — and slams Jamie Lynn for “airing false or fantastical grievances” to garner publicity for her memoir.

“Britney was the family’s breadwinner and she also otherwise supported you. Publicly airing false or fantastical grievances is wrong, especially when designed to sell books. It is also potentially unlawful and defamatory,” the letter states. 

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