
Bow Wow’s Baby Mama Claims He’s Blocked Her On Instagram


Olivia Sky, the mother of Bow Wow’s son, says he’s blocked her on Instagram.

“Never complain but I am today. Then gonna pray on it and let it go,” she wrote. “It sucks because I got food poisoning so bad. Can’t be in mommy mode and throwing up everywhere. Can’t even ask his daddy for help because I’m blocked.”

Olivia has put Bow on blast before this year.

“I swear I salute all the real fathers! The ones who actually get their child and spend time with them. The ones who calls and check on them on a daily basis. The ones who actually stand on what they say! The ones who call and volunteer to get them and the mother don’t have to ask! The ones who pick their child up to get their hair cut when it’s time. (the ones who have boys).”


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