An African American man killed his pregnant girlfriend, his ex-wife, and them himself – and it was all done on Facebook Live, MTO News has learned.

And the serial killer Is not who you’d expect. He’s Rajaae Ban was an anesthesiologist from Maryland, who made close to $200,000 a year.
The man went on the social media video platform to explain WHY he did what he did. According to the alleged serial killer in the video, his ex-wife has been keeping his children from him. The ex-wife, who is a Black woman, allegedly accused Rajaee of molesting their children.
MTO News obtained a copy of a restraining order that she had against him, during their marriage. The ex-wife also alleged domestic violence in the past:

According to Rajaee, he separated from his ex-wife and met and impregnated another woman – who is also Black. Rajaee claims that during the pregnancy, the new couple’s relationship began to break down. MTO News observed as Rajaee told his audience that his new baby’s mother promised to keep his unborn child away from him also.
Rajaee then SNAPPED. MTO News learned that he went on Facebook Live, and told the audience that he shot his girlfriend in the head, and that he planned on killing his ex-wife and then himself.
Multiple social media reports from Maryland, read by MTO News, suggest that all three – the ex-wife, the pregnant girlfriend, and Rajaee are all dead.
Watch his disturbing video: