
Bill Cosby Asks Supreme Court Not To Revive Sexual Assault Aase


Bill Cosby has asked the Supreme Court to reject a request from prosecutors to revive his sexual assault case.

Cosby was released from prison in June after a Pennsylvania appeals court overturned his conviction and released him from prison after nearly three years. He was released on a technicality.

“Notwithstanding the commonwealth’s warning of imminent catastrophic consequences, the Cosby holding will likely be confined to its own ‘rare, if not entirely unique’ set of circumstances, making review by this court particularly unjustified,” Cosby’s lawyer Jennifer Bonjean wrote in a response.


Cosby was found guilty of drugging and molesting college sports administrator Andrea Constand in 2004. Cosby has always denied the alleged rape.

 “Mr. Cosby has vehemently proclaimed his innocence and continues to deny all allegations made against him, as being false, without the sheer evidence of any proof. Today, Mr. Cosby continues to remain hopeful that the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court will issue an opinion to vacate his conviction or warrant him a new trial,” his rep said last year.

More than 60 women have claimed that Cosby non-consensually drugged and assaulted them over the decades with a mix of pills and alcohol.

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